MAGNETIC. R1996. John C. Taylor. 47", ML. Registration description indicates cream standards edged pink with a darker central rib; buff falls with a rose pink spray pattern darker toward edge; buff styles and a yellow signal. To my eye, there is a rich brown tone that darkens the rose pink, and a glowing gold around the signal. Desert Jewel x Dural Dreamtime. |
MARIE CAILLET. R1963, Sidney Conger. 38", ML. A blue-violet self and an excellent garden iris that has remained popular. It does not hurt that it is named for a founder of the Society for Louisiana irises (in 1941) and probably the best known person associated with Louisiana irises. Acadian x W. B. MacMillan |
MARIE DOLORES. Dorman Haymon, R1986. 40", E.
Ruffled white, veined orange. Orange signal. Cream styles. Acadian White X lla Nunn. Very vigorous and excellent form. |
METAIRIE RIDGE. R2003, Patrick O'Connor. 40", M. Falls medium rose, standards lighter. Styles deep rose. Hurricane Colin x Zydeco. Outstanding form, bud count and performance. Proving to be a an excellent garden iris. |
MISTER JOE. R2005, Joseph Mertzweiller, registered by the Baton Rouge Botanic Garden. 30", M. Falls red with brownish undertones. Standards red-brown over a whitish suffusion, narrow yellow line on some petals. Style arms cream, light coral wash near tips. Yellow steeple signal. President Hedley x Koorawatha. |
MONKEY HILL. R2005, Patrick O'Connor. 24", M. Falls red orange and standards salmon with light red-orange veins. Very large yellow arrowhead signal. Tickfaw and Prytania. Named for a mound of dirt at Audubon Park in New Orleans created for children to play on; the closest thing to a mountain in the city. |
MOTHERSHIP. R2010, Patrick O'Connor. 36", M. Falls bright red with a slight hint of orange. Standards lighter. Bright, loosely defined yellow-orange signal with streaks of yellow-orange standards radiating out on the bottom half of the falls. Styles red orange with yellow midrib. (00-17: Hurricane Colin x Tchoupitoulas) x Mister Joe.
MUDBUG. R1999, Patrick O'Connor. 28", M. Medium purple. Styles red purple. Signal is a yellow orange line centered in a large white thumbprint area; darker streak at tip. Dr. Dormon x I. brevicaulis. The brevicaulis background shows in the excellent zigzag stalks. Up to 5-6 positions on a short iris. Good garden show. |
MY FRIEND DICK. Richard Butler, by M. D. Faith, R1998. 35", M. Currant red, bold golden yellow signal. Ann Chowning X self. Large flower and good garden performer. |
NEW BASIN CANAL. R2009, Patrick O'Connor. 34", M. Sdlg. 05-23. Falls reddish brown. Standards slightly lighter. Prominent yellow arrowhead signal with light green veins, outlined in deep maroon. Styles reddish brown with a yellow-green ridge and edges. Lightly ruffled. Gentilly X Heavenly Glow. |
NOBLE MOMENT. Richard Morgan, R1985. A gorgeous blue-lavender iris with rich ivory styles and a yellow signal in a white blaze. Excellent grower and bloomer. A favorite for many years. The color contrast between petals and styles is wonderful. Winter's Veil x Tru-Glo.
NOTTOWAY. R2005, Patrick O'Connor. 32", M. Falls and standards are white. All petals have gold veins and falls. Falls have a deep gold center line surrounded by lighter gold veins. Style arms cream. Lightly ruffled. (Hurricane Colin x Irish Bayou) X Sharon Juliet. Named for a large plantation house up-river from New Orleans. SOLD OUT |
NOW AND FOREVER. R1997, Heather Pryor. 35", M. Standards soft lavender, purple veining, white reverse. Falls soft lavender, purple veining, white rim and blush near lime green steeple signal. Style arms soft lime green, lavender tip. Lightly ruffled. Cammeray X Classical Note. |
OUR SASSY. R2006, Wayland Rudkin. 36", M. Standards and falls dark red-maroon. Style arms maroon with lighter edges. Yellow steeple signal.. Ruffled. (Dominique x self) X Bayou Mystique.
PERSISTENT CUSS. R2004, Patrick O'Connor. 36", M. Rose pink falls with some white veining around signal. Standards a lighter shade with a white suffusion. Very long, showy cream style arms. (Deneb x unknown) x Irish Bayou. This iris has grown very well for a number of people and wouldn't go away without a name. Vigorous. |
PINK POETRY. R1987, Henry Rowlan. Ruffled shell pink. Yellow steeple signal outlined deep rose. Creamy white style arms. 29", M. Bryce Leigh x Winter's Veil |
PLUM GOOD. R2001, Ira Nelson, deceased, by Barbara Nelson) 30", ML. This is an old iris that was in commerce for many years before it was registered. Deep red, almost maroon, with an open form. Exceptionally bright and prominent signal. Styles reddish with yellow ridge and center. A good example of an older and distinctive iris that holds its own next to newer plants. Unknown parentage. |
POINT AUX CHENES. R2005, Joe Musacchia. 34-38", M. Golden peach self, darker around signal; signal dark yellow. A nice warm color and good increaser. Graceful, airy form. Red Echo x Chuck |
PONTCHARTRAIN BEACH. R2011. 34", M. Sdlg. 06-05. Medium rose over a lighter ground and with conspicuous darker rose veining, especially on the falls. Styles are cream streaked rose with hint of green at the base.. Yellow arrowhead signal. Victoria Inn X Frosted Moonbeam. Pontchartrain Beach was a famous amusement park on the Lakefront in New Orleans, now gone. |
POVERTY POINT. R1999, Patrick O'Connor. Medium rose suffused white. Ages to powdery pink. Falls distinctly darker around edges. Large yellow arrow signal. Medium rose styles. Ann Chowning x unknown. 36", M. Very vigorous, wide foliage. |
PRALINE FESTIVAL. Dorman Haymon, 1992. 34", M. Cream, heavily veined and dusted rose-tan, yellow-gold signal streaked green full length of falls; ruffled; rose-tan style arms, edged cream. Valera X President Hedley |
PRESIDENT HEDLEY. R1979, Joseph Mertzweiller. 32-34", E. Dark yellow self with slight brown shading on the front edge of the falls. Darker yellow-orange line signal and yellow style arms. G. W. Holleyman x ((seedling x Upstart x Belle Lou). One of the first of the modern yellows, with a full, overlapping form. |
PROFESSOR NEIL. R1990, Joseph Mertzweiller. Tetraploid. Falls dark, velvety red. Standards dark red. Large brilliant yellow thumbprint signal. 30 inches. Midseason. Complex parentage: [C-76-4: (Professor Ike x Wheelhorse, colchicine treated)] x [ C-76-88E: (66-G-Z, colchicine treated chimera x Professor Ike)] |
PRYTANIA. R2001, Patrick O'Connor. 28-30", EM. Deep yellow self. Orange line signal. President Hedley x Hurricane Colin. This shorter iris is a relatively sun fast yellow with double sockets on a zigzag stalk. Has produced interesting seedlings. |
QUEEN JEANNE. Heather Pryor, R2002. 41", ML. Deep blue violet, lilac rim and reverse, falls with golden steeple signal overlaid on yellow blotch; style arms white blushed violet, lemon midrib; heavily ruffled. Alicia Claire x 9/934-B: (Sinfonietta x 16/90-1: (Koorawatha x Alluvial Gold) |