Kristi G
Kristi G
ABOVE AND LEFT:   Mertzweiller's 'Kristi G', an amazingly vigorous iris that one day might take over the entire garden if left to its own devices. A great plant for a show in the landscape.
Louisiana iris Freddie Boy
Louisiana iris Good Doctor
Louisiana iris Good Doctor clump
  ABOVE AND RIGHT: Joe Mertzweiller's deep red and veined 'Freddie Boy', registered in 1974 and still popular; the beautiful white 'Good Doctor', named by Joe to commemorate Dr. John K. Small who searched the swamps looking for new Louisiana iris forms in the 1920s.  'Good Doctor' is one of the first of the modern, full-formed whites and still an excellent garden plant. BELOW, from left:  'Apollo's Song' (Taylor), 'Acadian Miss' (Arny), 'Sinfonietta' (Raabe), and 'Swamp Flame (Mertzweiller).  
  Louisiana iris Apollo's Song Louisiana iris Acadian Miss Louisiana iris Sinfonietta Louisiana iris Swamp Flame    
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